School Uniform
- Navy trousers/skirt – can be bought anywhere.
- Striped College shirt (Anne Fahy design – available at “Cash & Co” 25 Rossa Street, Scartagh, Clonakilty).
- Footwear: All Black or all navy.
- School Jumper (available at “Cash & Co” 25 Rossa Street, Scartagh, Clonakilty)
- Students can wear their own coats/jackets/hoodies to and from school but must remove them while in the building
School Tracksuit
- Available to order from McKeever Sports online at specific ordering “windows”.
- NOTE: There is also a limited number of stock in certain sizes available at
- This window for ordering will close at the end of August.
- There is a 8-10 week delay from time of window closing to delivery.
- School Tracksuit can be bought in a package and consists of:
- Pants
- Tee-shirt
- Quarter Zip Top
- The gear can be customised with your child’s initials in order to ensure that if it’s lost then it can be found quickly.
- We expect our 1st Years to wear the school tracksuit from September 2023.
- Other CCC items may also be bought online also including a jersey, jackets, gillets etc but are not compulsory.
Size Charts:
General Ethos:
- Students will be asked to remove jewellery that we consider a safety risk to themselves or others.
- Students are expected to present in full uniform and take pride in their neat appearance.
- Full uniform is also worn by students taking State Exams.
- Full uniform is also worn by students while on school trips – unless otherwise instructed by the teacher in charge of the trip. Organising teacher may instruct students to wear school tracksuit instead of uniform where applicable.