See doc below for the information re Supervised Study Session 2 which will run from Feb 20th to March 30th.
Notice re Supervised Study Feb – March
Session 2
Clonakilty Community College will once again be offering a Supervised Study Programme.
Monday & Tuesdays: 4.10pm-5.55pm
Wednesdays & Thursdays: 3.30pm-5.30pm
The Supervised Study Programme will be supervised by staff of the school. Students/Parents/Guardians will be notified of any changes to schedule in advance. Attendance will be monitored and parents will be made aware of any absences.
Session: | Dates | Duration | Cost |
1 | Mon February 20th 2023 to Thur March 30th 2023 Inclusive | 6 weeks | €110 |
Full fee must be paid in advance through the schools Way2Pay system.
This fee is €110 for the 6-week period irrespective of how many days the pupil attends. This is to ensure that supervision costs are covered. (This fee would normally be €120 for 6 weeks but it is reduced as students were not able to avail of Supervised Study due to staff training in January).
While participating in this Programme your child will be asked to follow the rules outlined below. Any student failing to adhere will be asked to leave without refund:
- All students are asked to be in study class each evening at the set times
- Students may not leave early unless a note from a parent/guardian has been given to the supervising teacher that morning
- Students have a 10-minute break during study during which they can use toilets and the assembly area for a break and to eat a snack if needed.
- No food or drinks are allowed in supervised study – a bottle of water only is allowed.
- Students are asked to access their lockers for books, calculator’s etc before supervised study.
- Students are asked to turn off mobile phones for the duration of study.
- We ask that pupils do not communicate with one another once study has begun to be fair to all involved.
Please email if you are interested in signing up your son/daughter.